Understanding Self-Sabotage

I’m so excited about the video I have to share with you today for Motivational Monday! This is such an awesome video that explains so much about the how and why behind the resistance we so often experience when we try to make positive changes in our lives. This was such an eye-opening video for me, and if you’ve ever wondered about the reason for resistance or struggled with understanding self-sabotage and why you keep tripping yourself up when you know you’re on the right track, then make sure you give this one a watch!

This video is an interview that the very awesome Marie Forleo did with Todd Herman, where they talked about the biology of change, and what happens inside the cells of our bodies when we consciously try to form new habits. There’s actually a physiological reason behind our experience of resistance that really explains why it’s so hard sometimes to make those changes that we really want to make in our lives.

There is nothing more frustrating than wanting to make progress towards a big dream or goal that you have and starting to implement the actions and habits that you know you’re going to have to make in order to make it all happen… and then having all that passion fizzle out a week or a month later as you slip back into your old habits again. For some, this is a pattern that repeats itself over and over again and it can really make you feel like there’s something wrong with you. Why is it that some people are able to make changes so easily why other struggle with it so much?

This video really helped me with understanding self-sabotage and how to overcome it. Aside from explaining why it happens (and seriously, this was such an “ah-ha!” moment for me!), they also give five strategies for helping to get through the biologically-induced self-sabotage phase so you get yourself back on track (and keep yourself there this time), towards making awesome things happen!

After you’ve taken a look at the video, let me know what you think of it! Are you an “oww brainer” or a “wow brainer” and which of the strategies are you most interested in? Post your answer in the comment section below!

photo credit: FurLined via photopin cc

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