The Power of Your Mind

I have a really inspiring video about the power of your mind to share with you this morning, from Carrie Green of the Female Entrepreneur Association. Carrie runs one of the biggest online entrepreneurial groups for women in the world right now, with over one hundred thousand followers on Facebook alone. She publishes the e-magazine This Girl Means Business, in which she has interviewed some of the biggest names in both the business and personal development fields. She’s built up an amazing business for herself and inspires so many women all around the world to go for the gold by sharing her wonderful insight and experience with us every day. On top of that, she’s just plain awesome.

Success is no accident. Living an incredible life is no accident. You have to do it on purpose. And it starts by knowing exactly what it is that you want to achieve, knowing why you want to achieve it, knowing the kind of person that you need to become in order to make it happen, and then programming your mind to make it happen. ~Carrie Green

But it wasn’t always like that for her. (Well, I suspect that she was always awesome, but she didn’t always have the business success that she currently enjoys.) At one point she was out of money and not sure what she was going to do. So she launched a business and took it global. Everyone thought she’d “made it”, but she was desperately unhappy. She realized she needed to make a change in order to build the kind of life she really wanted for herself.

This is Carrie’s TEDx talk that she gave a few months ago in Manchester, England, where she talked about the power of your mind and how your perspective impacts your decisions, and determines whether or not you’re even going to take the chance to become successful. She talked about the importance of what’s happening inside your head and how a shift in thought habits was the key to completely changing her life.

If you’ve ever been in a situation where everyone around you thought that your life was a fabulous success and that you had everything going for you, but deep inside you were completely miserable and you couldn’t figure out why, then don’t miss this one. If you want to achieve amazing things in your life and create a life you truly love, then you really do have to start with what’s happening in your own mind.

photo credit: cc

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