How Should Can Make You Sick

How Should Can Make You Sick

They say that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. When it comes to the “big” lessons that we need to learn this statement is so true. If we don’t learn what we need to from the experiences we have in life, the Universe will oh-so-helpfully keep...
Enough is Enough!

Enough is Enough!

A few weeks ago I wrote an article about what to do when things start falling apart. Things were going haywire then, not just for me, but for many of you, too. It was a widespread thing. Apparently, it’s still going on. The last month here has been pretty much...
Dis-ease and the Law of Attraction

Dis-ease and the Law of Attraction

The more I learn about the Law of Attraction, the more convinced I am that the way we view and deal with illness is all wrong, and the more convinced I am that the concept of “dis-ease” is a far more sensible way to approach things. What in all heck is “dis-ease”? So...

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