One of the best things you can do to recapture your motivational mojo when you’re in a slump is to read stories about people who have already accomplished great things. Reading other people’s stories can really fire up your imagination and help you regain that wonderful sense of possibility, energy and excitement that you had when you started out because it gives you proof that what you want really is possible, even if you’re currently in a rough patch. And sometimes, that validation that your dreams can come true – because they did for someone else – is all you need to get you back on track and back on the road to your own success!
I recently posted an article about Richard Branson and his LOA-savvy, where I talked about how I think his business success is all attributable to his natural grasp of Law of Attraction principles. But I didn’t tell you about the impact reading Branson’s biography had in helping to re-inspire me to achieve my own goals. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I picked up Branson’s book; I was curious about his business philosophy, and how he managed to multiple successful business across so many wildly different fields. I definitely got what I was looking for in that sense, but the added vibrational boost I got from his story was just amazing!
What happens when you recapture your motivational mojo
I have to tell you, I was in a bit of a motivational slump before I read this book, but after finishing it, I definitely got my mojo back! In two days I accomplished more than I had managed to get done in the previous 6 weeks combined – it was just wild! For example, I’d been toying with the idea of launching a podcast for Vibe Shifting, but hadn’t actually got around to doing anything. But reading Branson’s story inspired me to get back to taking action and I not only researched and learned what I needed to do to launch a podcast (and how to do it), I also recorded a whole bunch of raw file podcast episodes and even managed to get a month’s worth of episodes edited, and scheduled. Oh, and I also wrote three blog articles in there, too. 😉
What’s even more important than getting all that work done in only two days, however, is the fact that I regained my enthusiasm for my project. I regained some of the spark – the drive and motivation to succeed that has been languishing somewhat since losing my father. I’ve gotten my focus back. And I can’t even begin to tell you how good that feels. 🙂
The power of a simple story
And all of that came from reading someone else’s story. And letting it show me that dreams can come true, even when you sometimes feel like you have no idea what you’re doing. Even when you’re winging it. Even when conventional wisdom would tell you not to even try.
Reading this book reminded me that the most important thing I can do to make my own dreams come true is to believe in myself, believe in what I am doing, and keeping taking action and moving forward. It reminded me that if I can do this – believe – I can very definitely move mountains because the Universe has got my back.
It was a reminder I needed. Which, obviously, from a Law of Attraction perspective, is why I picked that book up in the first place. I wanted that reminder, and the Universe sent it to me in the exact perfect way that would help me the most! (Thank you Universe, you rock! :-))
It’s no fun being in a situation where you’ve lost your drive to achieve the things you want. So, if you’re finding yourself in a bit of a slump and you want a sure-fire way to recapture your motivational mojo, I highly recommend picking up the biography of someone you admire; someone who has achieved great things or someone who has already achieved the same sorts of things that you want to achieve. Read their story and follow their journey. See how they did it, where they started from and what it took to get them where they wanted to be. It’ll help you regain your faith that what you want really is possible. It’ll help you find your focus again, and get your mojo back.
photo credit: Nhoj Leunamme == Jhon Emmanuel via photopin cc
Another great way is to listen to interviews of those we admire on Youtube. I was doing so last night. This also helps a lot. I am constantly reminded of the fact that they never give up or feel sorry for themselves and yes, just keep going. This is one of the keys.
conventional wisdom gets me so frustrated, but I always stop myself with this feeling because it is anti-LOA. On linkedin there are posts about what makes the successful successful and I always comment that they follow universal principles, not conventional ones. So, since convention wants a formula for success so others can follow it, the formula is to have faith and allow universal forces to be at work and never give up, as people would tell you to.
so, the name of the game is to have faith, no?
Always. 🙂
Yes! Stories come in many formats, and if YouTube has the stories that inspire you, then that is definitely a wonderful option for you. Feeling sorry for yourself may actually help you feel better in the (very) short term, so long as you don’t allow yourself to wallow in it and stay in that vibe (because staying in there will just lead to a downward spiral and attract more stuff to you that will make you feel sorry for yourself, of course). The Universe is always on your side so pick yourself back up and re-focus on what you want and on your inevitable success. Bumps along the road happen, but they can be part of what makes the journey interesting, too. 🙂