Resistance, in Law of Attraction terms, refers to the subconscious thoughts and feelings that interfere with your ability to properly align yourself with your desires; it’s all that background auto-programming that prevents you from manifesting what you really want. So, learning how to eliminate resistance is obviously important for moving forward with your dreams and goals.
In today’s podcast episode we’re going to go through some strategies and techniques for helping you to really understand what resistance is, where it actually comes from, and what you can do get through it so that it no longer has the power to mess with your intentions. It starts with understanding that big changes don’t happen in isolation, and that trying to manifest something major in one area of your life is definitely going to have an impact in every other area of your life, too. Even if you haven’t consciously taken all those potential changes into consideration, your subconscious has.
And that’s the problem. Because when all those fears you have are hidden in the background, they tend to get built up into bigger and more powerful things than they really are – like the bogeyman in the closet. It’s terrifying to think what might be lurking in there, until the light gets turned on, and shined into all the nooks and crannies… and then you realize that there was nothing scary there in the first place. Resistance is like that; it’s an internal struggle based on hypothetical situations that may never even happen. And once you learn to identify what those half-formed fears really are, you can then banish them for good, just like those imaginary closet-monsters.
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Wow, these podcasts are really awesome, Nathalie! Yes, there is fear and it is crazy. Some of us grew up in fear as in our parent was always afraid of stuff and insecure so it rubbed off on us and that is all we knew, until we were in the vortex, of Abe Hicks jargon. But then we got out of the vortex and wham, we are in fear again. So, yes, the question is how do we eliminate resistance.
Is there anything those who do not like writing can do?
I look adversity in the eye and I tame it so that it has no power over me for some things, but for others, not really. Visualizing the scenario is great, but sometimes our brain does not buy it, but you know, our Inner Being does! If only we can mesh with our IB, life would be so great.
I just read in psych news that the mother’s fears are transferred to the fetus. so, if we do have a rather crazy, fearful mom, that energy can be transferred to us. I know LOA tells us otherwise and we have to manage our own stuff.
A guide is needed on how to live a fearless life. This is so important to happiness.
Interesting. Haven’t heard that, but there is some research that indicates that stress hormones in the mother’s body can affect the developing fetus. In either case, I still believe that once you become old enough to think for yourself and make your own decisions in life, it’s up to you how you’re going to live that life. You can choose to let the past control you forever, or you can choose to create a different experience than the one you were brought up with.
That info was hot off the presses in a new study. Think about it Nathalie- if born anxious or depressed, one would have more work to do later on as an adult, no? Of course we are responsible for how we live our life, but it seems like a disadvantage if mom was in that state. Isn’t it better when everyone is happy?
I also heard in a Swami’s sermon that one is responsible to begin their own healing, and then a guru shows up and the universe points in the right direction, but one must take that first step.
My concern with this type of study is that it can be used to perpetuate a victim mentality. People think: “Well, it’s not MY fault, I was born that way and there’s nothing I can do about it”, so they don’t even try. You absolutely can do something about it, but convincing yourself that you were doomed before birth will pretty much guarantee it, even though that was never the case. Yes, you would have more work to do. But that would be part of the adventure you designed. And yes, it’s always better when everyone is happy — I believe that creating happiness is the reason we’re here.
The Swami is right — we are each responsible for our own healing. You can’t save someone else, you can only show them how to save themselves. And yes, as you start moving in the direction of your intent, that’s when all those little synchronicities start showing up to help you along the way. 🙂
I usually recommend writing things down because it gets the thoughts out of your head and out in front of you… it physically puts those thoughts in a place where you can see them as separate from yourself, which really does help to give you a different perspective on them. But if you’re really not into writing, then try using a voice recorder — instead of doing this as a writing exercise, try recording things, instead. Then make it a point to listen to the recording, so you get that other perspective by hearing the thoughts spoken outside of your own head. Also, I know a lot of computers have a built-in voice-to-text capability now, so you could try doing this as a speaking exercise and have the computer transcribe to text for you.
You know the scene in the original Star Wars when Luke is going to blow up the Death Star? Ben (Obi Wan) telepathically reminds him to use the Force, thus leading Luke to put down his visor and do so with closed eyes. Now, that is elimination of resistance, right? That is becoming one with Source and having your wishes fulfilled. I think it is. Just thought of this example for this topic. The suspension of all belief and pure focus gets what you want done.
One with the Source or one with the Force? 😉 (Sorry… couldn’t resist! LOL!)
Yes, that would be the ultimate in terms of elimination of resistance. There is so much in Star Wars that parallels a lot of what we talk about in Law of Attraction. I’ve been meaning to write an article about that, just because it would be fun. And I’d have an excuse to go watch the movies again… you know… for research. 😉
Haha! That was a good one!
So, that is what it is like. I have been reading about yogi masters and they do lots of things with their eyes closed. They do not need their vision. They become one with source. They can also go without sleep, food or drink for long periods of time because they are sustained by the ether, or rather, allow the ether to sustain them by letting go of resistance and again, becoming one with source. They can meditate for months and come back to this reality with a long beard and nails that need to be clipped.
Wow, a post like that would be absolutely awesome. I imagine it would be more than one part, since there are so many movies, esp sci-fi, which have that as a theme. Star Trek also has this theme. Also, great way to do research- by watching the movies! They are greatly educational, after all. Those are the fundamentals of the universe. 🙂
I’ll add it to my topics list… 🙂