I am so excited to bring you an awesome guest post about spirit guides today! This post has been written by the amazing Joanna Hennon, who shares with us how to communicate with our spirit guides to help us achieve our dreams and goals. Joanna says that spirit guides are non-Earthbound souls that we have agreements with, through which both sides are learning.
Our spirit guides are committed to helping us and supporting us through our journeys here. Because they are on a different plane of existence than we are, they have access to more info than we do and can see things from a different perspective. It’s like having friends in high places who are determined to help us achieve what we came here to do. Take it away Joanna…
When I was growing up, I was taught not to set my expectations too high. Life was hard and unfair, I was told. I wasn’t overly pretty or smart. I needed to be realistic about what was achievable for me. Or did I want to end up disappointed?
Disappointment and bitterness seemed to be in my future. I wanted to be a movie star. A Broadway performer. A sought-after criminal lawyer (think L.A. Law). I couldn’t shake the idea that I could do anything I set my mind to.
I believed I was destined for big things. Why was no one rooting for me?
The thing is, someone WAS rooting for me. Which is why I was able to write this post, and why you’re getting to read it. All those years of being nudged towards mediocrity, and yet I still believed that I am special. Because someone kept telling me so.
You have that voice within you too, right? The one that says ‘Yes!’ to your biggest dreams. The one that secretly knows that anything is possible. I think of this voice as a combination of soul and spirit guides – your biggest cheerleaders.
5 tips for communicating with your spirit guides
Here’s how the spirit guides can help you achieve your goals and dreams:
1. You need to let them. This won’t work if you keep resisting greatness, or giving into fear. Yes, being successful can be really scary, and it can bring up a lot of stuff for you. Yes, people can be judgemental about what you’re aiming for. But they’re not the ones you need to listen to, you need to listen to the voice inside you that’s saying you can do this.
2. Learn to listen. There is so much noise in the world, which makes it really hard to hear what’s going on within. Listening to the guides is a learned skill, and it starts with quieting the mind. You can meditate, walk in the forest, or do something with your hands (like drawing or painting). My most recent favourite is colouring in mandalas – search for some online, print them out, and go!
3. Ask questions. It’s easier to hear an answer to something specific than it is to notice random guidance. Learn to ask good questions, and start a conversation with your guides. You can ask your questions through journaling, before you go to sleep, or in meditation. It doesn’t matter, as long as you ask them with intention. Then all you need to do is pay attention so you don’t miss the answer. It might not come in the form you expect!
4. Experiment with how you best receive answers. You can get some oracle cards, you can explore intuitive art, you can keep your mind clear and open when you go running. Different people receive in different ways, and you need to find what’s best for you. The only way to do this is to play around with the possibilities, and do whatever feels right to you.
5. Follow the guidance you receive. You do have free will, of course, but there is no point looking for answers from the spirit guides if you don’t follow what they say. What they want you to do will often feel scary, and that’s because they know that you can play bigger, aim higher, have more. They know that you are good enough, so if you ask them what you should do next, the answer might be outside of your comfort zone. Which is exactly where you need to go if you’re serious about your dreams.
Know that the spirit guides WANT to help you. They are there, always ready. So the choice is always yours. Do you want their support, or not?
Let me know in the comments, I’d love to know what choice you’re going to make!
Joanna xx
Bio: Joanna Hennon is a channel, intuitive creativity guide, soul message interpreter and spiritual teacher. Her mission is to show you that you already have all the wisdom you could ever need, at soul level. Joanna works with the Spirit Guides to guide people on their path, whether that’s leaving a situation that’s not right or building a heart-centered business. Come visit at www.createyourworld.me to meet Joanna and nab a free copy of her 10-step course on connecting with intuition!
This was great! Just what I needed! Thank you so much!
Yes, I am finding that it is scary as you say. Yet, we must go on and get past the fear. Easier said than done, so do you have any tips for that?
It is hard to deal with the judgments of others who think they know best. I just wish they would look in the mirror and just focus on their own life instead. Thank goodness this has stopped, but it was the most annoying thing. How do you manage with that?
Now, do we need to listen to the guides specifically, or act on things they bring to us in physical, like some news from another person, encouragement from another person (rare, so we should follow it, no?), or both? In this crazy world, it is really hard to listen to within, but I know that is the way to go.
What Joanna said there is really important, A. — when people say things that are hurtful, take a step back before reacting and think about what their words/actions say about what their own beliefs are and where their vibration happens to be. Their reality does not have to be yours. Also, you’ve said that you’ve noticed that this outside judgement that used to bother you so much has stopped or lessened. So now would be a great time to stop thinking about it, and start shifting yourself into a mindset that promotes encouragement and support.
Like Joanna said, affirmations that other people support and encourage you would be a great start. Looking for evidence that this support is pouring in towards you from all sides would also be helpful. Or printing out a quote that encourages you and posting it somewhere you’ll see it often (where you study for instance). The bad stuff has stopped, so stop worrying about it and start building what it is that you DO want. Right? 🙂
I definitely have tips! 🙂 The first one is to stop saying ‘easier said than done’ but change it do ‘just as easy said as done’. The words you use are super important and influence your beliefs about the whole thing. The next tip is to find the smallest step you can take, rather than looking at the thing as a whole and getting scared and overwhelmed. The small steps add up!
We all have issues with what other people think. Someone I work with has taught me to look at it from their point of view – so what is their judgement showing me about their reality and their belief system? It turns it around and makes it less hurtful to me.
The signs to follow will be physical, as we live in a physical world. The trick is to follow the ones that feel right. The ones that you’re excited about, or curious, or the ones that you KNOW are the right way no matter what anyone else thinks.
I’m bothered by you saying that encouragement from other people is rare – maybe you could do some work on letting other people support you more? On letting that encouragement in? On expecting encouragement from others? An affirmation could help, like “I feel support and encouragement all around me, and often see proof of this.
Hope this has answered your questions! 🙂
Oh, yes, I see what you are saying. Very good tips!
I have been drawing mandalas since I was little, just like that, without knowing what they really are. I read it in your intuition guide.
Well, there is so much competition out there, that it is hard to find any encouragement. It certainly has been coming in a lot more lately, so I got past that. Yes, it bothered me a lot too! If it bothers you, it bothered me! I was like, man, people are such downers! How can they live like that? They might as well not be here! But I turned it around and it showed me that is what their beliefs are, projected onto me. It is not fair. These are not mine, by the way. I feel like I am outside all of that, but I had to put up with a lot of their flack for a while.
I totally get that. I had to teach myself that I am not responsible for what they believe, they get to choose too. Best to concentrate on what I choose to believe. 🙂
Don’t worry so much about competition. I’d even go so far as to say it’s completely irrelevant. If there is competition in a field, that just means there is a demand for it. And no matter what the field is, be it medicine or music or anything else, there are people who are just starting out it in it — and doing well. So why can’t it be you? 🙂
Wonderful! This guest post was a positive affirmation in itself. Thank you, Joanna, for the kind words of wisdom I needed as a reminder. And thanks also to Nathalie for inviting you. I learn so much here! 🙂 By the way, I have to say that I’ve had several instances of proof that were far too blatant to be dismissed as happenstance or coincidence. So, fellow readers, take heed and get to know your team. It’s a beautiful thing.
So glad you enjoyed it Ayla! And yes, knowing your team is indeed a beautiful thing, I’m happy to hear that you’re experiencing it yourself.
Absolutely loved this Joanna — thanks so much for writing it! 🙂 I love colouring (I actually have a colouring book and box of crayons of my own that I keep hidden away from my kids if you can believe it) and I am definitely going to be looking into the mandalas as a meditative practice.
I’m really curious about the oracle cards — what, exactly, are they? Do you mean tarot cards? How do they work?
OMG Nathalie! I bought my own crayons too and keep them away from my son. LOL.
Oracle cards are easier to use than tarot. Tarot has a whole system to learn, whereas oracle cards don’t. They each have a message or a word along with the image, so they’re a great place to start when you’re working with intuition. Easy to figure out the messages. I teach a very simple course on this to get people to read their own cards, it’s easy if you have the courage to try.
If you already do tarot then oracle will be a piece of cake. A word of warning though, there are SO MANY beautiful decks and owning more and more becomes addictive! 🙂
No, I don’t do Tarot, but the oracle cards intrigue me. I just did a search on Amazon and I can already see three decks that are calling to me (one of which is unfortunately a pre-order that won’t be available until November!) I’m going to have to go look up your course… I am really curious about this. Do you have a particular deck that you recommend for complete beginners? Or do you recommend just choosing one that resonates with the individual?
I recommend you choose a deck that resonates with you. 🙂 Whenever I’m asked for a recommendation though, I always say The Wisdom of Avalon deck by Colette Baron Reid, I love that one, and it was the first one I bought. You will also find with time that different decks are good for different kinds of questions. I always ask to be guided towards the deck I need to use for a client or a question.
My course is here: http://www.createyourworld.me/jumpstart-your-intuition/
I’m just about to add the May dates to the site, I’ll be running it again then. I will also be adding a second week, I think, and some bonus projects using other ways of connecting with intuition. 🙂
Are all these things you mention to us here ways to help you maintain your alignment?
They’re more ways to quiet the mind and lead with your heart… connect with intuition, your soul level, your guides. 🙂
Great article. Knowing that my spirit guides are always there to help me, or better yet they want to help me, gives me a peace of mind knowing I’m always supported and loved! Now I got to learn to listen more and quiet the noise! Thanks Nathalie 🙂
It is comforting to know we have those “friends in high places”, isn’t it? 🙂 Meditation will help with quieting the noise — and I really want to try colouring in mandalas like Joanna mentioned in the article!
Yes, I LOVE knowing that the guides are there to help me! It’s such a huge support! Listening more is a matter of practice, so just pick something that is manageable for you and start. And make it fun – I’m not big into meditation, so I don’t stick to that no matter how much I try. I do the colouring mandalas thing instead. You need to find something that actually works for you, otherwise you won’t find the time to do it consistently enough.