Happy, Healthy, Hopeful Book Giveaway - Pinterest
The New Year marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next. It’s a chance to start anew – a chance to put the past behind us and step forward into a brighter tomorrow. And I have an awesome new book giveaway to help you start your year the right way!

Make your 2017 happy, healthy & hopeful w/ this 6 book #instafreebie giveaway! Share on X

The theme of this book giveaway is “Happy, Healthy, Hopeful” and these authors have teamed up with the fine folks over at Instafreebie to provide you with a wonderful selection of books to help you make your 2017 exactly that. What’s even better? You can get every single one of them for free right now!

Check out the list of books below and click on the covers to go to each book’s download page…

Full Color Life: How to Live a Creative, Balanced Life

by Margery Walshaw

Have you ever asked…What if I could work for myself? How can I pursue my creative dreams? How do I become more successful?

The idea of being creative triggers mixed reactions. Some people admit to feeling a passion for creative activities, but modestly claim their efforts aren’t good enough. Others shake their heads as if to push the thought away and say they have to make a real living.

Margery Walshaw has worked with creatives throughout the world. She’s noticed that those who are most successful view life as if seeing a rainbow — dramatically and in full color.

Here she has written an empowering guide to help businesses and individuals, even those who aren’t in artistic fields, find their creative spark and develop the self-belief and tools to make their business and personal life flourish.

Get it FREE!

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Better Running Goals: The Step-by Step Guide to Setting Goals for your Body, Mind, and Lifestyle

by Diana Fitts

From a runner who understands what it takes to maintain a running routine with a busy lifestyle, comes the essential step-by-step guide to setting better running goals. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced runner, finding the time to train can be an unforeseen stumbling block in your success. How do you balance a new running routine with your other responsibilities? How do you make running a sustainable part of your life? How do you prevent burnout, injury, and getting overwhelmed by your goals?

Better Running Goals is a different type of running book. Leaving behind generic advice, Fitts takes you through a customizable process for developing a sustainable running life. Based on your priorities, your desires, and your needs, this guide will help you understand how your lifestyle and goals work together to promote your happiness and success. Don’t be blindsided by the demands of a running goal that clashes with your ability to live a meaningful life. Whether you dream of completing a 5k or an ultramarathon, Fitts will offer perspective on how your running goal fits into the bigger picture of your life.

Get it FREE!

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You ARE Good Enough: How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself 10 Step Strategy

by Margaretha Montagu

Rationally, you know that you are good enough. You are, in essence, a good person. You work hard. You do your best. You are competent and successful.

So why do you feel that you are a fraud who does not deserve the success that you have achieved? Why do you fear that if you take pride in your intelligence and abilities you will be rejected by others? Why do you feel that you constantly have to make sure that whatever you are saying and doing does not offend anyone else? Why do you feel that you do not deserve to be loved?

You ARE Good Enough was written by a medical doctor with many years of experience helping people exactly like you. She will answer your questions and provide you with a ten-simple-step method that will help you internalise how unique, powerful, gifted, beautiful, strong, generous, appreciated, valuable, talented, brilliant, admired, respected, courageous, special, caring and lovable you are.

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The Selfish Workout Guide: The No Gym, No Weights, Fail-Proof Way To Get The Body Of Your Dreams

by Nicholas Caldwell

Are You Embarrassed By Your Belly Bulge? It’s time to rethink fitness.

Focus on your “inner game” and cancel your gym membership…a 12-minute workout at home can change your life. Here’s your chance.

Stop trying to lose weight the hard way. Grab this book and banish belly fat forever!

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Toxin-free Homemade Easy Beauty Recipes

by Milica Vladova

We are living in interesting times with state of the art beauty technologies and all kinds of synthetic artificial compounds. Never have there been so many different cosmetic products as there are today. But at what cost? Are they all beneficial? Haven’t we drifted too far from Nature? Learn how to prepare your own beauty remedies at home using only ingredients from Mother Nature. Making our own natural cosmetics can be fun, easy and effective. Because Gaia knows best!

What are you going to find in this book? All kinds of easy to make DIY beauty recipes:

  • face creams;
  • body scrubs and lotions;
  • anti-cellulite ointments;
  • anti-stretch marks creams;
  • sunscreens;
  • face and hair masks;
  • shampoos and conditioners;
  • toothpastes and mouthwashes;
  • and more…

Get it FREE!

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Simple Strategies for Stress Relief

by Nathalie Thompson

Simple Strategies for Stress Relief is the key to easily managing stress for good. This little book doesn’t just give you list of techniques for coping with stressful situations, it gives you an easy-to-follow blueprint for making lasting, life-long changes to help create and maintain the habits necessary for creating a more relaxed and peaceful life.

This book deftly guides you through a four-step process for understanding and then dissolving your stress. You’ll learn what really causes your stress, why you react to stress the way you do, where you’re going wrong with your current coping strategies, and how to change your own thought processes and habits to put an end to your stress once and for all.

Includes 32 stress reduction techniques and a bonus MP3 guided meditation.

Get it FREE!

Download Simple Strategies for Stress Relief

Got a friend who might like some of these books? Sharing is caring! Use the handy share buttons below to post this giveaway to your favourite social media sites so that those you care about can get these books for free, too! (The more the merrier!) 🙂

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Vibe Shifting
Happy, Healthy, Hopeful Book Giveaway - Pinterest
Download Full Color Life
Download Better Running Goals
Download You ARE Good Enough
Download the Selfish Workout Guide
Download Toxin-Free Beauty Recipes
Download Simple Strategies for Stress Relief
Your Year to Shine Book Giveaway!
1813 What it Really Takes to Change Your Life
1812 Peace, Love, and Hip Hop
1811 Always Be Learning and Trying New Things
1810 Savour Every Single Day
10 Things to Give Up for the New Year
The Best Way to Make a Difference
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