by Vibe Shifting | vlog
The guiding principle behind everything that I teach through Vibe Shifting is that “if you can dream it and believe it, you can always achieve it”. This is because if you don’t believe you can do something, you won’t even try (and if you do believe, nothing will stop...
by Vibe Shifting | vlog
What do you do when you know you’ve got to get stuff done, but you just can’t seem to make yourself do it? You know that action is critical to success of any kind, but sometimes you just fall into those funks where you find yourself avoiding the things...
by Vibe Shifting | vlog
In the last couple of videos we’ve been talking about fear of success, where it comes from, and how to tell if it’s something that’s holding you back from turning YOUR dreams into reality. Today we’re going to look at ways of dealing with the hidden thoughts that are...
by Vibe Shifting | vlog
Last week we talked about the idea of being afraid of success. Sometimes people are more afraid of actually achieving their big dreams and goals than they are of failing to achieve them. We’ve also been talking recently about how your beliefs and expectations affect...
by Vibe Shifting | vlog
Most people are familiar with concept of fear of failure. But for some people, it’s not failure that scares them most, but the fear that they will succeed. And while the fear of success is actually one of the most common fears out there, it’s a concept that seems...
by Vibe Shifting | vlog
So with our previous videos about the biology of fear and how our focus determines our reality, we’ve pretty much let loose the genie in the bottle; you now know what your own mind is capable of, so how does it make you feel? Now that you know how powerful your...