1442 How to Heal Old Wounds

1442 How to Heal Old Wounds

Today we’re talking about how to heal old wounds and tame all of those demons from the past. Because we all have them; memories from long ago that still cause us pain today. These experiences and memories will never go away, of course – they are a part of our past and...
8 Ways to Feel Better Fast

8 Ways to Feel Better Fast

One of my favourite LOA mantras is “as within, so without”. It’s a reminder to me that whatever is happening outside of me in my experience is a direct reflection of what is happening within me, on the inside. My external reality is a mirror of my internal thoughts,...
Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

I went for a walk the other day and a man passed me by on his bicycle. He had a big bag in one hand and a long stick with a nail in it in the other – he was picking up trash along the bike path as he cycled along, which I thought was nice. I continued my walk, and...

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