by Vibe Shifting | deep thoughts, vibe shifting 101
One of the comments I sometimes get from people when they see the title of my new book (fearLESS: How to Conquer Your Fear, Stop Playing Small, and Start Living an Extraordinary Life You Love) is that they don’t really want an extraordinary life. They just want to...
by Vibe Shifting | deep thoughts, mental health, vlog
For those who have been asking about what made me want to write a book, today’s vlog post shares the story behind fearLESS: How to Conquer Your Fear, Stop Playing Small, and Start Living an Extraordinary Life You Love. The book launches on Amazon today, and I...
by Vibe Shifting | deep thoughts
Happy New Year! Apologies for the tumbleweeds that have been blowing through the blog the past few weeks… I seriously underestimated how much time it would take to do all the techy stuff involved in finalizing the layout for the new book. (Understatement of the year…...
by Vibe Shifting | deep thoughts, Motivational Monday
I’m obsessed with Walk Off the Earth’s new song, “Rule the World’. It’s catchy. More than that, it makes me smile. How can you not like a song that talks about overcoming your fears and breaking down the walls that stand between you and your dreams? They say “No way!”...
by Vibe Shifting | deep thoughts, podcast
Today we are talking about leadership. More specifically, we’re asking: how do you inspire loyalty and get people to believe in and follow your vision? How do you get right people interested in what you’re doing, and then – even more importantly – keep them interested...
by Vibe Shifting | deep thoughts, mental health
I was about twelve years old when I was diagnosed with anorexia. I was scandalized – all this work I’d done to lose all that horrible baby fat that made me “pleasantly plump”, and now I was being told that I had to stop dieting? I was even being threatened: if I...