I posted my first video blog to YouTube today! It’s based on the quote by Goethe that I posted on the Facebook page last week about “begin it now”, and taking action to make your dream come true. Just click on the video image above to watch the video (it’s just over two minutes, so won’t take up much of your time). And for those who like to read along, the transcript for the video is below…

Begin it Now Video Transcript

begin it now quote goethe

If you have a dream, begin it now: take action today!

Hi there! This is Nathalie Thompson with VibeShifting.com and I’d like to talk to you today about dreams and goals and staying motivated to achieve the things that you want to achieve. If you’re a fan of my Facebook page, then you’ve probably already figure out that I’m kind of obsessed with inspirational quotes, and one of my current favourites happens to be one from Goethe and it goes like this: Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.

I think all of us have had the experience, at some point in our lives, of coming up with a really great idea, or of having a dream of what we could do or become. And we get all fired up and excited about this dream… and then our more rational logical side kicks in with all the “buts” and “shoulds” and “who are you kidding”. And we knock ourselves down, letting those dreams just flutter away without ever taking even the first steps towards making them happen.

But imagine what you could do if one day you just told all those negative and self-defeating thoughts where they could go. Imagine if you started moving, today, in the direction of your dream.  Where could you be a year from now if you began right now?

Whatever your goals and dreams are – and they’re different for all of us—but whatever they are, movement is the key to making them come true. It’s about taking that all important action and not letting your self-doubt get the better of you.

So, I’m going to toss a general question out there and ask you all think about it: what action can you take towards your goal today? It doesn’t have to be something big; it just has to be something that will move you a tiny bit closer to making your dream come true! A year from now, you’ll wish you had started today, so be bold; wield that genius, power and magic, and begin it now.


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