A few weeks ago I posted a series of articles about stress. The first article talked about how to manage stress, the second article talked about healthy versus not-so-healthy coping strategies, and the third article set out 20 simple strategies for stress relief that you can start using right away to help relax and unwind when you’re feeling frazzled. Now, in that last article, the second stress-busting strategy that I mentioned was to use affirmations to help program your mind to dissolve any stressful thought habits that might be contributing to your overwhelm. Today, I’m going to give you fifteen pre-made affirmations for stress relief that I’ve specifically designed to help alleviate stress.
In order to use these affirmations for stress relief, my suggestions is to print (or write) them out on a piece of paper and then read them over a couple of times before you go to bed at night, or whenever you’re feeling your tension levels starting to rise. Read them slowly and really focus on the words and on trying to consciously relax your body as you’re doing so.
- My mind is becoming calm and clear
- As my thoughts slow, my body relaxes
- I am beginning to live a more balanced and peaceful life
- I gently release all my worries, doubts and fears
- My mind and body are relaxed and peaceful
- As I release my stress, my feelings of well-being increase
- I easily release all tension from my mind and body
- Every day I become more peaceful and content
- I am now in control of my life and my circumstances
- I allow my mind and my body to become more and more relaxed
- I know that having this time to myself is good for my health and well-being
- I am enjoying this feeling of balance and peace
- I feel calm and centred
- I am naturally calm and relaxed
- I am free of all stress and tension
Give these affirmations for stress relief a try for a couple of weeks and then let me know how you’re doing with them! P.S. I’ve specifically written these for stress relief, but if you’re interested in creating your own affirmations for other purposes, I’ve got a how-to article that can help you do just that, too.
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