What to do When Things Go Wrong - Pinterest pinEver wonder what to do when things go wrong on the way to your dream? Sooner or later we all find ourselves in a situation where something we had really high hopes for fails. When that happens it’s easy to let ourselves get sucked into nasty negativity spirals where start thinking that this particular failure means that it will never happen for us and that maybe everyone else was right and it’s time to give up on our big dreams and be more “realistic” in our expectations.

That, however, is about the worst thing we can do.


When you’re working on a big dream and suddenly find yourself having to deal with a big setback, it is SO important not to get stuck in that mindset space where you start to feel sorry for yourself and then start doubting yourself and your ability to actually achieve what it is that you’re trying to accomplish.

The best thing to do when you’re in this kind of situation is to stop, take a deep breath, and then get yourself back on track to achieving your goals. And in today’s podcast we talk about how to do just that. Just click the play button above to listen in and get the scoop on my four simple strategies to help you cope when something you’ve been working on doesn’t pan out the way you wanted it to!

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Photo credit: Johnny Jet / Foter / CC BY

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Vibe Shifting
What to do When Things Go Wrong - Pinterest pin
Why Failure is a Good Thing
1817 The Power In-Between Things
What is Negativity Spiraling?
1611 What to Do When You Fall Off the Horse
Why Your Mindset Matters
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How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself
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