strategies for increasing optimism

Strategies for increasing optimism are essential to a happy life!

Optimism is the tendency to expect the best possible outcome or dwell on the most hopeful aspects of any situation. And when it comes to Law of Attraction, this is obviously the best possible mental trait we can possibly have. Because like attracts like, if we want wonderful things to happen in our lives, we have to expect and focus on wonderful things. And we must believe wholeheartedly that wonderful things can and will occur. Luckily for us, there are lots of strategies for increasing optimism that we can use to foster this oh-so-important, sunny-side-up mentality!

Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress. ~Nicholas Murray Butler

In today’s podcast episode, I’m going to give you all the details on my three favourite optimism-boosting strategies that I use in my own life – one of which is actually a fun little game that will really shift your energy into high vibrational mode and help you move yourself out of a predominantly negative mindset and into a predominantly positive mindset. Keeping your energy high with respect to your dreams and goals is so important to keeping yourself motivated and inspired to achieving those goals and helping you to create the life that you really want for yourself, so this little game is one of my all-time most recommended methods for vibe shifting!

Learning how to be more optimistic is something we all can do, and something that will help us all to change our lives for the better. Our natural setting as human beings actually is optimism – we’ve just lost sight of that over the years! But using these strategies can help us to regain our natural optimism and start seeing the sunny side of things once again. Just click on the play button below to start listening (8m36s)! 🙂


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Vibe Shifting
strategies for increasing optimism
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